A wonderful looking couple came to our clinic sometime ago. The man and his wife indeed were really looking lovely, he was a very tall and athletic built handsome man , his wife could easily pass for Miss World.
They had been married for more than 10 years with no child [ a case of primary infertility].
After consulting with the two of them, the wife then left to our other departments to conduct some tests. The man now had some free time with me, and decided to open up.
He confessed that before marriage he had successfully impregnated more than 6 ladies [ which all of course underwent abortions]. He also contracted at different times sexually transmitted diseases and others [ of course they were all treated successfully].
When he got married to his wife, they tried having a child for 5 years without success. The wife had undergone many tests in many places that proved she was ok.
He privately did some tests five years ago, and discovered he had very low sperm count and staphylococcus infestation. He had treated it all these years and up till this moment [ however without the knowledge of his wife] was still having low sperm count. He told me he had visited many doctors, native doctors, traditional drug street hawkers, pastors, imam, babalawos and many others privately seeking solution to his problems.
So indeed he knew he was a cause of childlessness in the marriage .
Staphyloccocus infection has being a serious issue in Nigeria as regards infertility and still is . Many unorthodox practitioners have continued to make millions of naira, branding staphylococcus as the only cause of infertility and have continued to give myriads of different concoctions to cure it. Up till today the situation remains the same.
There are many causes of low sperm count, which includes different types of infections [staphylococcus being one].
In this article we are going to look at low sperm count, their causes, diagnosis/tests done to investigate it and some preventions/treatments.
Infertility is the inability of a woman to get pregnant after a period of one year despite regular or normal sexual intercourse with her male partner during ovulation or without family planning.It can also be defined as the inability of a woman to carry pregnancy due to miscarriage. Infertility is also a common case among men. In their own case, it is their inability to impregnate a woman after a year of regular sexual intercourse during a woman’s ovulation.
As incidence of infertility is gradually getting to epidemic level, healthcare providers have fingered sexually transmitted infections as the major cause.Prominent among these infections are gonorrhea, syphilis and staphylococcus.
According to a recent research, infertility is known to be majorly caused by infection which ranges from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) such as gonorrhea and syphilis. It blocks the passage of the sperm.
Chronic Prostatitis which could also be as a result of Staphylococcus infection causes infertility in men thereby leading to complication like low sperm count (Oligospermia) watery sperm (Necrospermia) zero sperm count (Azoospermia).
Staphylococcus aureus was consistently isolated from the semen cultures of men with Low Sperm Count.
Low sperm count (Oligozoospermia) is one of the main causes of male infertility. It is considered that a man has low sperm count when he has less than 20 million spermatozoa per one ml of ejaculate.
A great number of medical conditions as well as many biologic and environmental factors can cause low sperm count temporarily or permanently. Unfortunately, the reliable treatments for increasing sperm count are not as many.
CAUSES OF LOW SPERM COUNTHere are some of the possible causes of low sperm count:
[1]Absence of sperm or low sperm count may be due to an infection associated with high fever that occurs after puberty. Mumps has long been associated with infertility in a man. Infections like gonorrhea, syphilis and staphylococcus and tuberculosis can destroy the male reproductive tracts and inhibit sperm production or kill sperm cells.
[2]Problems with sperm production – such problems can be genetic (for example Klinefelter’s syndrome) or based on a hormonal disorder
[3]Testicular injury and disease – injuries that affect the testicles may affect sperm production and cause low sperm count
[4]Malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies – deficiency of some nutrients (for example Zinc, Selenium, vitamin C, etc.) may also lead to low sperm count
[5]Overheating – excessive heat from saunas, hot tubs, etc. may decrease sperm production and lower sperm count
[6]Smoking – smoking cigarettes may impair male fertility since it is known to reduce sperm count and sperm lifespan
[7]Drugs – the use of cocaine and heavy marijuana is known to reduce sperm count by 50%
[8]Excessive alcohol consumption – alcohol is toxic to sperm and may reduce sperm count and quality
[9]Prescribed medications – many prescription medications are known to reduce sperm count and decrease fertility
[10]Environmental toxins, radiation and heavy metals – a number of environmental factors, such as exposure to toxins or chemicals, can reduce sperm count either by affecting testicular function directly or by affecting the hormone system
[11]Obesity – many studies find association between low sperm count and obesity in men
[12]Stress and excessive physical or mental exertion – these can cause some hormonal changes in the body that can affect sperm count and fertility
[13]Varicocele – A varicocele is a varicose vein in the cord that connects to the testicle. (A varicose vein is one that is abnormally enlarged and twisted.) Varicoceles are found in 15% to 20% of all men and in 25% to 40% of infertile men. A varicocele is a small flaw in the anatomy of a vein. If such a vein exists, surplus blood, and therefore too much heat, gets to the testicles, causing the sperm to die. Every man who has a varicocele is not infertile. However, about 30 percent of men who are infertile have a varicocele. The size of the varicocele seems to have no bearing on sperm count.
Varicoceles can be corrected with a simple surgical procedure or a new nonsurgical technique in which a tiny silicone balloon or coil is inserted into the area to close off the swollen vein, rerouting the blood to other blood vessels.
[14]Bicycling/Motorcycling – blood vessels and nerves may be damaged due to the pressure from the bike seat.
[15]Some jobs can lead to low sperm count– Men who work as painters, decorators and printers are much more likely to have a low sperm count compared with other male professionals, due to their repeated exposure to organic solvents, such as paint thinner and turpentine, new research suggests.
[1] SEMEN ANALYSIS – This is a very simple and important test and should be done early in the evaluation process. Sometimes the test should be done 2, or even 3 times to get an accurate reflection of the numbers and their variation over time. Semen analysis is a test to measure the amount and quality of a man’s semen and sperm. Semen is the thick, white, sperm-containing fluid released during ejaculation.
The test is sometimes called a sperm count.
You will need to provide a semen sample. Your health care provider will explain how to collect a sample.
Sample collection may involve masturbation and collecting the sperm into a sterile container. It may also be collected during intercourse by using a special condom supplied by your health care provider.
A laboratory specialist must look at the sample within 2 hours of the collection. The earlier the sample is analyzed, the more reliable the results.
[2] BLOOD TESTS – For most infertile men, the semen analysis is the only test which needs to be done – after all, the only job of a man is to provide sperm to fertilise the egg ! For men with a low sperm count, there is need to do any other tests, such as blood tests for measuring the levels of key reproductive hormones, such as prolactin, FSH, LH and testosterone. For men with azoospermia ( zero sperm count), additional blood tests may be useful . The serum FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) level test is a useful one for assessing testicular function. If the reason for the azoospermia is testicular failure, then this is reflected in a raised FSH level. This is because, in these patients, the testis also fails to produce a hormone called inhibin (which normally suppresses FSH levels to their normal range). A high FSH level is usually diagnostic of primary testicular failure, a condition in which the seminiferous tubules in the testes do not produce sperm normally, because they are damaged.
[3] ULTRASOUND SCAN FOR LOW SPERM COUNT – The use of ultrasonography has become an important component in the evaluation and treatment of male reproductive tract disorders.
Ultrasound scan of the Urinary bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory ducts, testes, epididymis and for varicocoele, spermatocoele and hydrocoele including scrotal hernia are very important .
From the use of color flow Doppler ultrasonography for the assessment of varicoceles to transrectal ultrasonography combined with seminal vesiculography for the evaluation of ejaculatory duct obstruction, ultrasonography has practical clinical applications. The recent advances in diagnostic transrectal ultrasonography for ejaculatory duct obstruction.
The treatment for low sperm count that will be assigned to you will depend on its cause.
However, sometimes the real cause of low sperm count is never found. Additionally, many disorders affecting sperm production cannot be cured at all or do not respond well to treatment.
Yet, this does not mean that you should be reconciled to the problem. There are a lot of things you can do to reduce the risk of low sperm count.
[1]Switch to a healthier, balanced diet, rich in vegetables and whole grains.
[2]Exercise regularly.
[3]Try to reduce stress.
[4]Keep weight off; if you are overweight, lose the excess weight.
[5]Don’t smoke
[6]Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption.
[7]Don’t use recreational drugs.
[8]Ejaculate less often; maintain a gap of three days between ejaculations.
[9]Avoid tight underwear, saunas, hot tubs and anything else that may increase the temperature of the testicles.
[10]Maintaining a healthy weight, sticking to a healthy diet, avoiding alcohol, cigarettes, and illegal drugs can all help you get your sperm count back to norm. Add to this healthy lifestyle the proper blend of herbs, vitamins and minerals and you will be able not only to increase your sperm count but also improve sperm quality and motility.
JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX Ikotun Lagos Nigeria , offers comprehensive Low Sperm Count and Staphyloccocus Check for Male Factor Infertility Investigations .such as Semen/sperm analysis. Blood tests for Hormone checks [FSH, LH, Prolactin and Testosterone]. Colour Doppler Ultrasound Scan for male infertility checks [Testes, Varicoceles, and Ejaculatory duct obstruction] , contact JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX Ikotun lagos Nigeria.
For accurate assessment of your fertility situation, contact us at JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX, Ikotun Lagos Nigeria.
For FREE Consultation and FREE Counseling. Also for Quality and Accurate Medical Diagnostic Tests Contact JOAS MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIX
We are located at,
JOAS HOUSE, 2, Okesuna Street,
Opposite The Synagogue Church Busstop,
Bolorunpelu, Ikotun, Lagos
Postcode: 100265
Please Privately Talk to our Clinic Specialist On Phone or Whatsapp Privately For FREE , get a FREE PRIVATE PHONE CONSULTATION, just call Mrs. Edith or Dr. Emma on any of these phone numbers, she will give you all the details you require – 08032509975,08096463062,08058166504,08064981455.
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